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Revisiting the Assignment Problem:

"Unpleasant Mundellian Arithmetic"

and beyond.

Welcome to my page on learning tools for the "assignment problem" in macroeconomics.


This website contains spreadsheet based macroeconomic models, including the ones displayed in my IMF Working Paper entitled "Disinflation, External Vulnerability, and Fiscal Intransigence: Some Unpleasant Mundellian Arithmetic." 


These materials are intended to provide a way to breath life into a perspective on macroeconomic policy making that has been (unfortunately) under-emphasized in recent years: the "two-instrument/two target" approach -- fiscal and monetary / exchange rate policy to jointly attain internal and external balance.

"Disinflation, External Vulnerability, and Fiscal Intransigence: Some Unpleasant Mundellian Arithmetic."

by Evan C. Tanner IMF WP

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